How To Build Trust In Teams

Emily Johnson
DISC Assessments Expert | 15+ Years of Experience in DISC
31 Mar, 2024
How To Build Trust In Teams

In any team, trust is one of the key elements that can make or break its success. Without trust, teams can struggle to achieve their goals and may even fall apart completely. However, building trust within a team is not always easy, especially when the team members come from diverse backgrounds with different personalities and work styles. Let's explore some ways to build trust in teams.

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Why Trust Matters

Trust isn't merely a social lubricant that eases interaction. It's a foundational element of high-performing teams. A deeply rooted trust in colleagues encourages risk-taking, information sharing, and the ability to innovate without repercussions. Research backs this up—Google's team performance study unveiled that psychological safety, a synonym for trust, is paramount in successful teams.

Team leaders are the architects of this psychological safety. They wield the power to create an atmosphere where trust can flourish. And when it does, it reflects vibrantly in the day-to-day interactions and output of teams. This trust directly impacts employee engagement, the speed at which work is accomplished, and the overall success metrics of the organization.

So how can you as a leader or team member help foster trust in your team? Here are some tips:

Lead by Example

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As a leader, it is important to lead by example and demonstrate the behaviors and qualities that you want to see in your team. This means being honest, transparent, and reliable. When team members see their leader exhibiting these traits, they are more likely to follow suit and build trust among themselves.

Communicate Effectively

Effective communication is crucial for building trust in teams. This means being open and honest with your team members, actively listening to their ideas and concerns, and providing regular feedback. When there are clear and open lines of communication, it helps team members feel more comfortable and trusting towards one another.

Show Empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It is an important quality in building trust within a team. When team members feel that their colleagues understand and care about their emotions, it creates a sense of safety and trust within the team.

Give Credit Where Credit Is Due

Recognizing the contributions and celebrating the successes of team members plays a crucial role in fostering a trustful environment. When individuals feel that their efforts are valued and appreciated, it contributes significantly to cultivating a positive and trusting team dynamic.

This acknowledgment not only boosts morale but also encourages a culture of collaboration and mutual respect. By ensuring that each member's achievements are celebrated, teams can create a more cohesive and motivated workforce, ultimately leading to increased productivity and a healthier work atmosphere.

Be Accountable

Holding oneself accountable for their actions is crucial in building trust within a team. It shows that you are willing to take responsibility for your mistakes and work towards rectifying them. This also sets an example for others in the team to do the same, promoting a culture of accountability and trust.

Embrace Diversity

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Teams are composed of individuals who come from a variety of different backgrounds, possess a range of experiences, and hold distinct perspectives. By embracing this diversity, teams can significantly enhance their dynamics and effectiveness.

Creating a culture that values diversity can help in building trust among team members. This is achieved by fostering an inclusive environment where each person feels genuinely valued and respected for their unique contributions. Such an atmosphere not only enriches the team's creativity and problem-solving capabilities but also strengthens the bonds between its members, making the team more cohesive and resilient in the face of challenges.

Be Consistent

Consistency plays a crucial role in fostering trust within a team. This involves not only being consistent in what you say and do but also ensuring that you follow through on your commitments and promises. It means treating all team members with fairness and equality, without showing favoritism or bias.

When team members observe that their colleagues are reliable and consistent in their behavior and actions, it significantly strengthens the foundation of trust. This environment of reliability and predictability makes it easier for team members to work together effectively, knowing they can depend on one another to act with integrity and fairness.

Such a strong foundation of trust is indispensable for building a cohesive and high-performing team.

Resolve Conflicts Effectively

Conflicts are an unavoidable aspect of team dynamics, but the manner in which these conflicts are managed can significantly influence the team's trust and cohesion. It's crucial not only to address these issues openly and with respect but also to ensure that all team members feel heard and valued.

By listening attentively to all perspectives and encouraging open dialogue, teams can navigate these challenges more effectively. Working collaboratively towards a resolution that considers the best interest of the team as a whole is essential for maintaining a positive and productive team environment.

This approach not only resolves the immediate conflict but also strengthens the team's ability to handle future disagreements in a constructive manner.

Celebrate Successes

Finally, celebrating successes together is a powerful way to build trust within a team. This shared sense of achievement creates a deep sense of camaraderie and fosters positive relationships among team members. Engaging in celebration not only acknowledges the hard work and contributions of each individual but also strengthens the bond between them.

Furthermore, this practice helps to boost morale and motivation across the team, setting a positive tone that encourages everyone to strive for excellence. As a result, this heightened sense of unity and encouragement can lead to even greater success in the future, creating a virtuous cycle of achievement and celebration.

Building trust in teams takes time and effort from everyone involved. But by following these tips and creating a culture of trust, teams can work together more effectively towards achieving their goals.

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Cultivating Trust Through Activities

Just as Rome wasn't built in a day, team trust isn't either. It's a continuous process, nourished by shared experiences that highlight honesty, dependability, and competence—core tenets of trust.

Below are trust-enhancing exercises that team leaders should consider integrating into their routine schedules:

Trust-building Activities That Team Leaders Should Consider

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Willow in the Wind

A team circle activity where members take turns in the center, leaning back and being gently 'pushed' by surrounding team members.

Anxiety Party

An open forum where team members share and rank their anxieties, reflecting on ways for the team to collectively work through these stressors.

Back-to-Back Drawing

Paired team members sitting back-to-back attempt to recreate an image based on verbal directions, emphasizing communication and trust without visual cues.

Blind Taste Test

Teams feed food to a blindfolded member who must guess the food based on their partner's directions, relying on the senses and trust in their partner's guidance.

Operation Navigation

A team navigates a path through objects with one member blindfolded and led by verbal instructions from a team member, highlighting leadership and trust in guidance.

Two Truths and a Lie

An icebreaker game where each member presents three statements, and team members must discern the untruth, encouraging shared perspective and intuition.

Staring Contest

An unusual yet effective exercise that pushes team members to maintain eye contact, fostering a non-verbal yet substantial form of connection.

Free Time

Team members share their bucket lists and future aspirations, building personal bonds and understanding outside the work realm.

Someday Lists

In small groups, team members jot down activities they dream to accomplish 'someday,' sparking shared aspirations and a sense of collective ambition.

Eat Together

Food is a connector. Sharing a meal encourages relaxation and open conversations, pivotal for developing trust.

Reflect Together

Discuss past experiences and memories that hold significance, establishing a sense of context and understanding of individual background.

Blindfolded Putt-Putt

Indulge in a miniature golf experience with blindfolded teammates as putters; a collaborative game rooted in trust and guided instructions.

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Making Trust a Routine in Your Culture

Trust activities like the ones mentioned are not isolated events; they set the stage for continuous trust-building. The trust developed in these activities should spill over into everyday work—be it seeking help, providing honest feedback, or collaborating on projects.

Team leaders should embed trust-building into the fabric of their work culture. Monthly rituals, like hosting a mini trust-day or weaving trust exercises into regular meetings or team huddles, keep the momentum going. It’s about creating moments that reinforce the "we’re in this together" belief. Encouraging leaders to embody the virtues of vulnerability, recognition, and open communication sets the tone for the entire team.

In conclusion, trust is the oil that keeps the gears of a team running smoothly. It requires intention, investment, and consistent effort from leaders to maintain and grow. Trust-building activities serve as the stepping stones, the soil in which trust can take root and blossom. For businesses looking to enhance their team's capabilities, it's not just a good-to-have; it's a must-have strategy.

By fostering trust within teams, leaders not only create a supportive work environment but also prepare their teams to tackle challenges with unity and strength. In the volatile and evolving workplace landscapes of today and tomorrow, building a foundation of trust is a smart business move with immeasurable upsides.

Building trust—it's not just good for your team; it’s good for business.

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