How To Build A Cohesive Team

Emily Johnson
DISC Assessments Expert | 15+ Years of Experience in DISC
29 Mar, 2024
How To Build A Cohesive Team

Are you looking to unlock your team’s potential? The five behaviors of a cohesive team "trust, conflict management, commitment, accountability, and a focus on results" are more than just concepts; they are the roadmap to excellence in teamwork. Let's delve into the core of these behaviors, equipping you with practical insights to cultivate a team that not only works well together but excels. Discover how to embed these behaviors into the DNA of your group and propel your team toward unprecedented success.

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Key Takeaways

  • The Five Behaviors framework is a practical tool that enhances team dynamics and performance by focusing on trust, conflict, commitment, accountability, and results.
  • Cultivating vulnerability-based trust and managing conflicts productively are crucial for cohesive teamwork, with leaders playing an essential role in fostering a safe and transparent team environment.
  • The framework requires customizing to align with company cultures and includes personalized assessments, tailored facilitation, and follow-up tools to track progress and maintain behavioral alignment.

The Five Behaviors Framework

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Welcome to the Five Behaviors framework – a model that focuses on:

  • Trust
  • Conflict
  • Commitment
  • Accountability
  • Results

This framework is not just a theoretical concept, it’s a practical tool designed to transform ordinary teams into extraordinary ones. When implemented, the Five Behaviors model creates a work environment that is dynamic, engaging, and productive, fostering a setting where team members feel valued and outcomes are achieved. By focusing on five behaviors team development, the Five Behaviors model ensures a positive impact on overall performance.

The journey of learning and implementing the Five Behaviors framework is deep and memorable. Guided by a trained facilitator, this learning experience is tailored to a team’s specific context, making it all the more effective.

Building Trust: The Cornerstone of a Cohesive Team

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Trust is the bedrock of any team. Without it, a team is just a group of individuals working in parallel. It’s the foundation for strong team relationships and cohesion, and it’s the first behavior in the Five Behaviors model.

Building trust isn’t about being nice all the time. It’s about creating a team that’s genuinely transparent, where members feel safe to be themselves and display their personalities openly. It’s about fostering a connection that goes beyond professional courtesy, and requires understanding the personal challenges faced by each team member.

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Strategies for Cultivating Vulnerability-Based Trust

Cultivating vulnerability-based trust is a continuous process that requires understanding the personalities of team members. This understanding allows team members to connect and establish credibility with each other, forming a bedrock for trust.

Creating a safe space where team members can share personal stories and experiences goes a long way in building trust. This, coupled with objective feedback and maintaining confidentiality, supports open, honest communication and strengthens the trust within a team.

Embracing Conflict: The Path to Productive Teamwork

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Conflict is often viewed negatively, but within a cohesive team, it is an essential catalyst for growth and productivity. Contrary to popular belief, constructive conflict is necessary for teams to entertain all viewpoints and make informed decisions.

Leaders play a pivotal role in creating an environment where team members feel safe to express differing opinions. This openness leads to better outcomes, even if it brings temporary discomfort. The key lies in developing cognitive, emotional, and behavioral skills that lead to productive conflict outcomes while minimizing escalation and harm.

Techniques for Healthy Conflict Management

Managing conflict effectively is a skill that can be honed. Leaders can facilitate healthy conflict by emphasizing ideas and problem-solving approaches over personal aspects during discussions.

Keeping exchanges constructive and limiting the emotionality of discussions is essential. This can be achieved by redirecting focus away from individuals and towards the debate ideas or topics at hand, fostering a climate of productive conflict.

Fostering Commitment: Ensuring Team Alignment

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Commitment is the force that propels a team towards its goals. Without it, even the best-laid plans won’t see the light of the day. In a cohesive team, commitment is about supporting decisions inclusively, even if they are born from disagreement.

Leaders play a crucial role in fostering team commitment by illustrating the importance of each member’s role in relation to team goals. This includes communicating a clear vision and strategies that align with the team’s collective goals.

Encouraging Collective Buy-In

Encouraging collective buy-in is no small task, but it’s an essential one. Leaders who demonstrate transparency and integrity in decisions are more likely to encourage collective buy-in among team members.

Part of fostering buy-in is engaging with team members through recognition and constructive feedback. This, along with building consensus with key stakeholders, lining up support, and keeping team members well-informed, can foster a collective buy-in without unanimous consensus.

Accountability in Action: Elevating Team Performance

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Accountability is the glue that binds commitment to results. It’s about creating a dynamic of mutual responsibility where every member follows through on their commitments and holds themselves responsible for delivering high-quality results.

A high functioning team characterized by peer accountability often surpasses their perceived personal limits. This is because the challenge to meet collective standards leads to individual breakthroughs, resulting in such a team with elevated performance, known as a high performing team.

Steps to Enhance Team Accountability

Enhancing team accountability starts with setting clear expectations. Collective buy-in can be enhanced by involving team members in decision-making processes, which increases their sense of ownership.

Addressing unmet expectations through open discussions about performance facilitates improvement and enhances accountability. This comprehensive approach includes:

  • Setting clear goals
  • Fostering personal relationships
  • Tracking progress
  • Celebrating successes

Results-Driven Focus: The Ultimate Goal

The ultimate goal of any team is achieving collective results. In a truly cohesive team, individual results are subordinated to ensure progress towards shared objectives. This results-driven focus is the pinnacle of the cohesive team model, which is based on the Five Behaviors model, underscoring the importance of collective achievements over individual aspirations. By understanding the behaviors of a cohesive team, organizations can foster a culture that prioritizes achieving collective results, ultimately leading to greater collective results.

Results are the ultimate determinant of a team’s success or failure. This is why it’s vital to have a results-driven focus, as it ensures that all actions and decisions are aligned with the team’s objectives.

Measuring and Celebrating Team Success

Measuring and celebrating team success is more than just a pat on the back. It’s about setting clear benchmarks for success and tracking progress against these benchmarks.

A fair and unbiased team performance evaluation system, regularly updated to fit evolving goals, is fundamental for measuring the team’s effectiveness of intact teams. Celebrating individual achievements within the team context enhances morale and incentivizes team members to aim for positive outcomes.

Personal Development: The Untapped Competitive Advantage

Personal development often takes a backseat in team settings. However, when personal growth goals align with team objectives, it can serve as the ultimate competitive advantage.

Continuous learning opportunities anchored in performance feedback and self-directed education, such as online courses, are crucial for team members to enhance their roles and contribute more effectively to the team.

Personal Growth Strategies Within Team Dynamics

Personal growth strategies within team dynamics include:

  • Setting goals that align with team objectives
  • Implementing new knowledge and skills
  • Participating in weekly brainstorming sessions where team members discuss learnings from their personal development

These strategies can foster unity and provide exposure to a diversity of projects and career paths.

When leaders visibly prioritize and support their team’s personal development, it inspires team members and enhances the dynamics within the team. This, in turn, leads to a more cohesive and productive team.

How Highrise Can Elevate Your Team

Highrise offers a leadership impact program that aims at leadership development through group coaching sessions, peer accountability, and individual fieldwork. The program also offers a Leader 360 Assessment for comprehensive skill evaluation and can be extended beyond the initial six-month program for ongoing support. With the integration of Microsoft business solutions, Highrise ensures a seamless experience for its participants.

Highrise offers the following benefits to its members:

  • 1:1 executive coaching with ICF-certified coaches who have extensive leadership experience
  • Over twenty workshops and events each month covering various professional skills
  • A dedicated community platform for networking and engaging with other growth-minded professionals.


As we’ve seen, the Five Behaviors Framework is a powerful tool for transforming groups into cohesive teams. It’s not just about enhancing productivity, but also about creating a work environment that is dynamic, engaging, and respectful.

The journey to building a high-performing team is not always easy, but with the right strategies and tools, it is achievable. It’s time to navigate the labyrinth of change with confidence, turning challenges into stepping stones for success.

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