The Dark Side of Your Personality: Are You a Hidden Narcissist?

11 Jun, 2024
The Dark Side of Your Personality: Are You a Hidden Narcissist?

In the realm of personality assessments, the DISC test provides valuable insights into our behaviors, communication styles, and motivations. However, like any personality trait, the strengths highlighted by the DISC profile can have a darker side. One intriguing yet concerning aspect of personality is narcissism. Understanding whether you possess hidden narcissistic tendencies can be crucial for personal growth and maintaining healthy relationships. This exploration delves into the potential shadow side of each DISC personality type and examines how narcissistic traits might manifest within these frameworks.

Are You Ready?
Take this test and find out your type.

Understanding Narcissism

Narcissism, at its core, is characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a deep need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. While everyone exhibits some degree of narcissistic traits, it becomes problematic when these traits dominate one’s personality and negatively impact relationships and professional environments.

DISC Profiles and Hidden Narcissism

The DISC model categorizes personalities into four main types: Dominance (D), Influence (I), Steadiness (S), and Conscientiousness (C). Each type has its strengths, but under certain conditions, these strengths can turn into weaknesses, including narcissistic tendencies.

Dominance (D)

Strengths: Assertive, confident, results-oriented.

Potential Narcissistic Traits: Individuals with a high Dominance score are natural leaders who thrive on challenges and achieving goals. However, their assertiveness can morph into arrogance, and their confidence can become an overestimation of their abilities. They might prioritize their success over others’ well-being, displaying a lack of empathy and a desire for control that aligns with narcissistic behaviors.

Influence (I)

Strengths: Charismatic, persuasive, enthusiastic.

Potential Narcissistic Traits: High Influence individuals are often charming and outgoing, capable of inspiring and motivating others. Yet, their need for social approval and recognition can lead to attention-seeking behaviors. They may manipulate situations to remain in the spotlight and exhibit a superficial charm that conceals deeper narcissistic tendencies, such as using others for personal gain or neglecting others’ needs.

Steadiness (S)

Strengths: Cooperative, reliable, patient.

Potential Narcissistic Traits: Those with a high Steadiness score value harmony and are excellent team players. However, their desire to maintain peace can mask passive-aggressive behaviors and a hidden sense of superiority. They might avoid direct confrontation while secretly believing their way is the best, subtly influencing others to conform to their expectations without openly asserting control.

Conscientiousness (C)

Strengths: Analytical, detail-oriented, disciplined.

Potential Narcissistic Traits: Individuals scoring high in Conscientiousness pride themselves on their precision and adherence to standards. This can turn into perfectionism, where they judge others harshly for not meeting their standards. They may display an air of superiority regarding their expertise and expect admiration for their meticulousness, often disregarding others’ contributions and feelings.

Recognizing and Mitigating Hidden Narcissism

Self-awareness is the first step in recognizing and mitigating hidden narcissistic traits. Reflecting on how your DISC profile might predispose you to certain behaviors can help you identify areas for improvement. Here are some strategies to consider:

  1. Seek Feedback: Regularly ask for honest feedback from trusted friends, family, and colleagues. Be open to their observations and willing to make adjustments.
  2. Practice Empathy: Make a conscious effort to understand and appreciate others' perspectives. Practice active listening and show genuine interest in their experiences.
  3. Cultivate Humility: Acknowledge your limitations and appreciate the strengths and contributions of others. Share credit for successes and be willing to learn from mistakes.
  4. Set Boundaries: Recognize when your need for control or admiration becomes excessive. Establish boundaries to ensure a balanced and respectful approach to interactions.


While the DISC test provides a valuable framework for understanding your personality, it’s essential to be mindful of its darker aspects. Hidden narcissistic traits can undermine your relationships and professional success if left unchecked. By recognizing and addressing these tendencies, you can leverage your DISC strengths while fostering healthier, more empathetic interactions. Embrace self-awareness and continuous personal growth to ensure that your personality remains a positive force in your life and the lives of those around you.