How To Use DISC Personality Tests

Emily Johnson
Personality Assessments Expert | 15+ Years of Experience in DISC
4 Mar, 2024
How To Use DISC Personality Tests

Understanding and appreciating diversity in personality types is crucial for any organization, especially the church. Just as a body is made up of many parts, each with its own function, a church community thrives when its members recognize and value the unique strengths and attributes they bring. The DISC is a powerful spiritual personality assessment that can help church leaders foster unity and synergy among their teams.

Are You Ready?
Take this test and find out your type.

In the context of the Christian faith, the DISC assessment serves a dual purpose: to promote self-awareness and to encourage the kind of interpersonal understanding and appreciation that is necessary for creating a strong, collaborative Christian community. This article dives into how church leaders can use DISC assessments to strengthen their teams and ultimately serve their congregation more effectively.

How to Use DISC in Church Settings?

There are various ways in which DISC assessments can be incorporated into church settings:

Team Building

Church leaders can use the results of a team’s DISC assessments to discuss and understand their different personality styles, strengths, and potential areas for conflict. This can help build trust and understanding among team members, leading to more effective collaboration.

Leadership Development

DISC can also be used as a tool for church leaders to identify their own strengths and areas for growth in their leadership style. By understanding how they naturally operate and how their style may impact those around them, leaders can make intentional changes to improve their leadership skills.

Conflict Resolution

DISC results can be utilized to address potential conflicts within the team or congregation. By recognizing different personality styles and potential areas for disagreement, leaders can facilitate more productive conversations and find resolutions that work for everyone involved.

Team Training

DISC assessments can also be used as part of team training programs to help members understand each other’s personalities, improve communication, and foster a collaborative environment. This can ultimately lead to a stronger, more united team that is better equipped to serve the congregation.

Individual Development

Lastly, DISC can be used as a personal development tool for individual members of the church. By gaining insights into their own personality style, strengths, and potential blind spots, individuals can work towards personal growth and contribute more effectively to the community.

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The DISC Assessment Provides Individuals a Road Map of Your Behavioral Strengths

Taking the DISC assessment is the first step in the process of recognizing and celebrating the diversity of personality within your church community. Understanding your behavioral tendencies enables you to identify which biblical character you empathize with the most and provides you with practical wisdom to grow in your faith and service.

For the D-type personality that might identify with the leadership of Moses – strong-willed and determined – the assessment shows ways to channel these traits positively in serving the church. Those more aligned with the I-type, perhaps akin to the storytelling nature of Peter, might find advice on using their influence to build community and share the message of the Gospel.

S-types, similar to the loyalty of Barnabas, receive guidance on maintaining stability and harmony within their church environment. C-types, exemplified in the orderliness of Paul, are directed to apply their meticulous attention to detail in enriching their ministry.

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Taking the Assessment

The actual DISC assessment involves answering a series of questions that aim to gauge your personal priorities and tendencies in various situations. The process is quick and easy and yields clear results that are immediately applicable to your life and leadership roles within the church.

Upon completing the assessment, you receive a personalized DISC profile, which includes insights into your natural and adapted behavioral styles, keys to increasing your effective ministry, and suggestions on how to connect with and serve alongside others of differing types.

Church leaders can even gain access to group dynamics reports that provide an overview of the collective personality preferences within their teams, identifying areas of strength and potential challenges.

**Learn more: Can You Trust Personality Tests

How To Perform A Self-Assessment

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Growth Areas

Understanding your default behavioral patterns also serves as an opportunity for personal growth. The DISC assessment does not pigeonhole individuals but rather highlights areas for improvement and emphasizes the malleability of behavior. Growth in weak areas can lead to more effective communication, reduced conflict, and increased empathy.

For church leaders, the DISC assessment illuminates growth areas that, when developed, can lead to more impactful and fulfilling ministry. Whether it’s learning to delegate tasks more effectively, managing stress in a healthier manner, or sharpening listening skills to connect more deeply with the congregation, the assessment guides leaders on a path toward continuous improvement.

Biblical Figures and DISC Profiles

The Bible is rich with examples of individuals who possess varying personality types, making it relatable for all members of a church community to find inspiration and guidance in its stories. The DISC model can help individuals identify the biblical figures they most closely align with and learn from their strengths and weaknesses. This not only deepens one's understanding of themselves but also implements spiritual insight from scripture.

Some examples of biblical figures and their potential DISC profiles include:

  • Abraham: High I (Influence) and C (Conscientiousness)
  • King David: High D (Dominance) and I (Influence)
  • Solomon: High S (Steadiness) and C (Conscientiousness)
  • Job: High C (Conscientiousness)
  • Ruth: High S (Steadiness) and I (Influence)
  • Mary, Mother of Jesus: High C (Conscientiousness) and S (Steadiness)


DISC assessments offer a multitude of benefits for church communities, spanning from fostering teamwork and resolving conflicts to fostering personal growth and spiritual development. These assessments highlight the importance of emotional intelligence, interpersonal connections, and the incorporation of spiritual wisdom. By understanding one's own personality type and improving communication skills to interact effectively with others, individuals can enhance their contributions to the church community and better serve its members. Compared to other personality tests, comprehending the four types and their interconnectedness is more straightforward as a holistic concept.

So, we encourage leaders and members alike to use DISC as a tool for strengthening their personal relationships and enriching their ministry. To learn more about how DISC can benefit your church community, visit Online DISC Tests for resources and information.

What's Your DISC Type?