Can Your DISC Personality Style Change Over Time

Emily Johnson
Personality Assessments Expert | 15+ Years of Experience in DISC
21 Feb, 2024
Can Your DISC Personality Style Change Over Time

Every person has a unique personality that shapes their thoughts, behaviors, and connections. The DISC assessment is a valuable tool for understanding personality types and classifying them into primary DISC styles. Can a person's DISC style change? Without a doubt! Let's delve into the mechanisms and reasons driving this potential evolution.

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The Basics of DISC Personality Styles

Before discussing whether DISC personality styles can change, it's essential to have a basic understanding of what they are. Each letter in the DISC model corresponds to a different primary style: D stands for Dominance, which focuses on results and taking charge; i represents Influence, which emphasizes social interaction and relationship-building; S stands for Steadiness, which prioritizes stability and cooperation; and C represents Conscientiousness, which values accuracy and attention to detail.

These styles are further divided into sub-styles, with each one having its unique characteristics. For example, someone with a primary style of dominance may have either a Di or DC sub-style. Similarly, an individual whose primary style is influence may fall under the iS or iC sub-style.

How does it Work?

How DISC Personality Styles Can Change

Now that we have a better understanding of DISC personality styles, let's explore how they can change over time. The short answer is yes; people can shift between different DISC styles throughout their lives. For example, someone who has a primary style of dominance may have developed these traits due to past experiences that required them to take charge and be results-driven. However, over time they may learn the value of collaboration and start exhibiting characteristics of the steadiness or influence styles.

The Importance of Understanding Your DISC Style

While it's possible for DISC personality styles to change over time, it's essential to note that these shifts are usually gradual and influenced by various factors. Your core personality traits will likely remain consistent, but don't be surprised if you see changes in your DISC style as you grow and evolve. Embrace these changes and use them to continue developing yourself and your relationships with others.

The 4 styles of DISC

The Impact of Life Experiences

As we go through life, we encounter various experiences that can influence our DISC personality style. These experiences can be positive or negative, and they may cause us to adapt or change certain aspects of our behavior.

For example, someone with a dominant (D) style may have grown up in a household where assertiveness was valued and rewarded. However, if they were to experience rejection or criticism for their dominant behavior in a new environment, they may learn to tone down their assertiveness and become more diplomatic in their interactions.

Similarly, an individual with an influence (i) style may have had experiences that taught them the importance of listening and considering others' perspectives, leading them to develop a more balanced approach to communication.

The Role of Self-Awareness and Personal Growth

Another factor that can influence changes in DISC personality styles is self-awareness and personal growth. As we learn more about ourselves, our strengths, weaknesses, and triggers, we can make conscious efforts to improve or modify certain aspects of our behavior.

For instance, someone with a primary style of conscientiousness (C) may have a tendency to be overly critical of themselves and others. Through self-reflection and personal growth, they may learn to balance their attention to detail with empathy and understanding, leading them to exhibit traits of the influence (i) or steadiness (S) styles.

Embracing Flexibility

While it's possible for our DISC personality style to change, it's also important to note that we have the ability to flex our natural style in different situations. Flexing refers to adjusting our behavior and communication style to better align with those around us.

For example, someone with a primary style of dominance may need to flex towards influence when working on a team project where collaboration is essential. Similarly, an individual with a steadiness (S) style may need to flex towards conscientiousness when working on a project that requires attention to detail.

By embracing flexibility, we can adapt to different situations and work effectively with individuals who have different DISC styles than our own. This can lead to stronger relationships and better teamwork.


In summary, DISC personality styles can evolve over time, albeit usually gradually and influenced by varied factors like life experiences and personal development. Recognizing your DISC style can enhance personal and professional growth, communication, and relationships. Keep delving into your DISC profile to understand yourself better, but bear in mind that your fundamental personality traits are likely to stay constant. Embrace any shifts in your DISC style as opportunities for continued growth and evolution. Enjoy the journey of self-discovery!

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