How To Interpret DiSC Personality Assessment

29 Feb, 2024
How To Interpret DiSC Personality Assessment

Ever wondered what the letters in your DISC profile actually mean? You’re about to find out. This article cuts through the complexity and directly answers ‘how to interpret disc personality assessment’ with practicality and precision. No fluff, just clear insights that will unveil what your profile says about you and how to use this knowledge effectively.

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Key Takeaways

  • The DISC personality assessment measures four traits—Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness—but does not evaluate intelligence or values, aiming to leverage behavioral styles in workplace settings.
  • Personalities in DISC reflect different traits, facilitating tailored management and improved teamwork by understanding individuals’ preferred communication styles, pace, and work environment needs.
  • DISC profiles aid in recruitment by finding candidates with the right behavioral fit for specific roles and can be integrated with other tests for a comprehensive assessment and higher employee retention.

Decoding the DISC: A Primer on Personality Assessment

Developed from William Moulton Marston’s model in 1928, the DISC assessment measures four personality traits:

Over the past four decades, extensive research has refined DISC, making it particularly useful in workplace contexts. This assessment doesn’t evaluate intelligence, aptitude, mental health, or values. Instead, it focuses on understanding and leveraging unique behavioral styles.

Typically, the DISC assessment is carried out online and takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. A person’s DISC profile is not a label, but rather a reflection of their unique behavioral styles that may evolve over time. The Everything DiSC profiles, a refined version of the original DISC Classic, offer an accurate, intuitive, and tailored assessment experience, promoting dialogue without resulting in a diagnosis. These profiles emphasize the equal value of each style and highlight that individuals incorporate elements from all four DISC styles, thereby promoting self-awareness and collaboration.

Everything DiSC Vs. DiSC Classic

The Four Pillars of DISC Explained

DISC categorizes disc personality into four primary traits, which are the foundation of disc personality profiles and play a crucial role in understanding disc personality test results. Comprehending these dimensions arms team members with the necessary knowledge to effectively respond to various personality types, thereby fostering more productive interactions and understanding that there are no right or wrong answers in dealing with diverse personalities.

The 4 styles of DiSC

The Drive of Dominance

Take John, for example, a team leader known for his directness, competitiveness, and goal-driven behavior. John’s traits are typical of the Dominance trait in the DISC model. He’s direct, firm, results-oriented, and can work well under pressure. He’s often described as driven, strong-willed, aggressive in pursuing his goals, and highly competitive.

However, John’s assertiveness and ambition come with challenges. His direct and forceful disposition can sometimes make teamwork and collaboration difficult due to his demanding nature and potential for aggressive behavior. Recognizing these traits can assist John and his team in managing potential conflicts and capitalizing on his result-driven nature.

The Energy of Influence

Let’s consider another team member, Emma, who is outgoing, enthusiastic, and persuasive. These traits represent the Influence of the DISC model, focusing on building and leveraging relationships. Emma thrives in environments where she can:

  • Express her opinions
  • Rally people around a goal
  • Be social and collaborative
  • Be enthusiastic
  • Be a strong leader who can encourage others to follow her

However, Emma’s focus on relationships can sometimes lead to overpromising and a lack of objectivity. She may also struggle with staying on task and following through on commitments. By acknowledging these traits, Emma and her team can manage potential shortcomings and capitalize on her ability to inspire and motivate others.

Communication Exercises For Every DiSC Personality

The Support of Steadiness

Meet Mark, a team member known for his sincerity, stability, and dependability. Mark’s traits represent the Steadiness trait in the DISC model. He’s calm, easy-going, and may come across as introverted, reserved, and supportive, aiming for a stable and consistent work environment. Mark values cooperation and responds positively to sincere appreciation.

Mark’s steadiness contributes to forming strong working relationships, marked by empathy, patience, and a preference for peace over conflict. Acknowledging these traits can aid Mark and his team in capitalizing on his strengths and fostering a harmonious work environment.

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The Precision of Conscientiousness

Finally, there’s Lisa, a team member with a preference for accuracy, careful analysis, and diplomacy. Lisa’s traits represent the Conscientiousness trait in the DISC model. She’s logical, accurate, reserved in her demeanor, and values accuracy. Lisa works methodically and values accuracy but may lack creativity and struggle to understand others’ feelings.

Lisa’s conscientiousness trait in the DISC assessment measures her level of analysis and problem-solving, her aim for quality, precision, and accuracy, and her detail orientation. Recognizing these traits can assist Lisa and her team in capitalizing on her skills, thereby contributing to precise and accurate results.

DiSC Training Activities

Navigating Your DISC Report

  • A DISC report includes:
  • Adapting profile
  • Natural profile
  • Combined summary of the predominant style
  • Circular DISC graphs
  • 12-slice charts for visualizing results
  • Disc measures

These components provide a nuanced look at personality combinations, augmenting the insights derived from the standard graphs.

Natural Vs. Adapted DiSC Graphs

Interpreting the DISC Graph

Interpreting the DISC graph involves understanding the placement of a dot within the circular model, which represents the individual’s average score and strength of personality traits. The dot’s position in one of the graph’s four quadrants shows the dominant DISC trait of the individual, with each quarter depicting one of the main traits.

Shading in the DISC graph’s quadrants shows the extent to which a trait is exhibited, with varying degrees of shading indicating the prevalence of the trait in the individual’s personality. The Everything DiSC assessment is designed to provide an even distribution of styles, ensuring behavior is assessed relative to others and not through a fixed categorization, aiding in the interpretation of the graph.

Understanding the Narrative

The narrative section of the DISC assessment report creates a story from the behaviors identified in the assessment, helping individuals understand their behavior and its impact on others. This narrative is considered impactful and precise, aiding individuals in connecting with their assessment results and acknowledging the test’s accuracy in describing their behavior.

A detailed description of an individual’s unique behavioral style, tendencies, needs, preferred environment, and strategies for effective behavior is provided in the narrative section. The language used in the narrative section of the DISC report is designed to be supportive and easily understood to foster self-reflection without the need for an assessment professional.

Applying DISC Insights to Real-World Scenarios

The insights gleaned from DISC assessments have real-world applications that extend beyond individual understanding. They can enhance team collaboration, tailor leadership approaches, and improve decision-making in hiring and employee development.

Enhancing Team Collaboration

By understanding team members’ preferred pace and communication styles, DISC assessment tools significantly enhance team collaboration. For instance, knowing that:

  • John prefers direct communication and autonomy
  • Emma thrives in environments that value relationships
  • Mark seeks stability
  • Lisa values accuracy

can help shape a team’s communication and collaboration strategies.

This means that while:

  • John may take the lead in goal setting and challenging tasks
  • Emma might excel in rallying the team and fostering a positive team spirit
  • Mark can contribute to maintaining team harmony
  • Lisa can ensure the accuracy of the team’s work.

DiSC Training Activities

Communication Exercises For Every DiSC Personality

Tailoring Leadership Approaches

Leaders can leverage DISC profiles to customize their management strategies according to the personality traits of individual team members. This approach cultivates a culture characterized by trust, safety, and respect. For example, a leader managing John would allow him autonomy and provide clear objectives with opportunities for overcoming challenges, while a leader managing Emma would inspire and facilitate collaboration, being careful not to let her optimism overshadow practical considerations.

Meanwhile, a leader managing Mark would provide support and avoid putting him under pressure that may cause withdraw and passivity. For Lisa, a leader would employ logical and non-emotional communication, respect her need for independence, and give her time to form trust.

Making Informed Decisions Using DISC

DISC assessments have a significant impact on the hiring process and decision-making. They can help determine the ideal DISC profile for a role, ensuring candidates’ behavioral styles are conducive to the specific demands of the job and compatible with the company culture.

For instance, if a job role requires direct communication and a high level of autonomy, a candidate with dominant traits like John may be a good fit. On the other hand, a role that values relationship-building and collaboration might benefit from a candidate with traits similar to Emma’s. These insights contribute to understanding a candidate’s potential fit within the company and their management needs.

Integrating DISC with Other Assessments

While DISC is a potent assessment tool in isolation, its integration with other assessments, such as the disc test, can provide a more holistic evaluation of candidates, thereby enhancing employee retention. For instance, incorporating DISC assessments with cognitive ability tests can provide a more balanced evaluation of candidates’ abilities and disc assessment results, as well as disc test results.

Similarly, combining DISC assessments with performance benchmarks can improve employee retention by selecting candidates who are both behaviorally suited to the role and motivated. Thus, utilizing DISC tests alongside other skills tests enables a more comprehensive assessment process.


DISC assessments offer invaluable insights into individual behavior and team dynamics. By understanding and leveraging the unique behavioral styles of team members, organizations can foster effective communication, enhance collaboration, tailor leadership approaches, and make informed hiring decisions. As a tool, DISC not only sheds light on our behavior but also empowers us to understand others, paving the way for more harmonious and productive workplaces.

What's Your DiSC Type?